Installation of Solar PV system
Methodology No. | MN_AM003 |
Proposed Methodology No. | MN_PM004 |
Sectoral scope | 1. Energy industries (renewable-/non-renewable sources) |
Title | Installation of Solar PV System |
Summaries | GHG emission reduction measures: Displacement of grid electricity and/or captive electricity by installation and operation of solar PV system(s). Calculation of reference emissions: Reference emissions are calculated on the basis of the AC output of the solar PV system(s) multiplied by either; 1) the conservative emission factor of the grid, or 2) conservative emission factor of diesel power generator. Calculation of project emissions: Project emissions are the emissions from the solar PV system(s), which are assumed to be zero. Monitoring parameters: The quantity of the electricity generated by the project solar PV system(s). |
Version Number | Ver2.0 |
Status | Valid |
Methodology Proponent | Institute for Global Environmental Strategies |
Approved Methodology | |
Proposed Methodology | |
AMR | Approved_Methodology_Revision_Request_Form_ver01.0_JCM_MN_AM003.pdf |
Public inputs |
Date of approval | 30 Jan 17 |
Installation of energy-saving transmission lines in the Mongolian Grid
Methodology No. | MN_AM001 |
Methodology No. | MN_AM001 |
Proposed Methodology No. | MN_PM001 |
Sectoral scope | 2. Energy distribution |
Title | Installation of energy-saving transmission lines in the Mongolian Grid |
Summaries | GHG emission reduction measures: Reduction of transmission loss by introduction of LL-ACSR/SA. Calculation of reference emissions: Calculation of GHG emission due to transmission loss in ACSR, based on the parameters derived from Mongolian Standard MNS5870: 2008. Calculation of project emissions: GHG emission due to transmission loss in LL-ACSR/SA, based on monitored transmission loss. Monitoring parameters : Power sent from the point of origin/supply to the transmission line, power received at the point of receipt of the transmission line, emission factor of the grid, direct current resistance of the transmission line |
Version Number | Ver1.0 |
Status | Valid |
Methodology Proponent | Hitachi, Ltd. |
Approved Methodology | · JCM_MN_AM001_ver01.0.pdf |
Proposed Methodology | · JCM_MNPM001_01.0.pdf |
Public inputs | · 04 Feb 14 – 18 Feb 14 |
Date of approval | 20 Feb 14 |
Replacement and Installation of High Efficiency Heat Only Boiler (HOB) for Hot Water Supply Systems
Methodology No. | MN_AM002 |
Proposed Methodology No. | MN_PM002 |
Sectoral scope | 1. Energy industries |
Title | Replacement and Installation of High Efficiency Heat Only Boiler (HOB) for Hot Water Supply Systems |
Summaries | GHG emission reduction measures: This project involves the installation of new HOB for hot water supply system and the replacement of existing coal-fired HOB. The boiler efficiency of the reference HOB is typically lower than that of the project HOB. Therefore, the project activity leads to the reduction of coal consumption, resulting in lower emission of GHGs as well as air pollutants. Calculation of reference emissions: Reference emissions are calculated by the net heat quantity supplied by the project HOB, boiler efficiency of the reference HOB and CO2 emission factor of coal. Calculation of project emissions: The sources of project emissions are coal consumption and electricity consumption of project HOB. Project emissions are calculated by the net heat quantity supplied by the project HOB, boiler efficiency of the project HOB and CO2 emission factor of coal. In addition, project emissions due to auxiliary electricity consumption are included, on the basis of electricity consumption and CO2 emission factor of the grid. Monitoring parameters : Net heat quantity supplied by the project HOB and total hours of the project HOB operation during the monitoring period |
Version Number | Ver1.0 |
Status | Valid |
Methodology Proponent | Suuri-Keikaku CO., LTD., Climate Experts LTD. |
Approved Methodology | · JCM_MN_AM002_ver01.0.pdf |
Proposed Methodology | · JCM_MN_PM002_ver01.0.pdf
· JCM_MN_PM002_ver01.0_PMS.xlsx · JCM_MN_PM002_ver01.0_Add_Info1.pdf |
Public inputs | · 18 Nov 14 – 02 Dec 14 |
Date of approval | 28 Jan 15 |